Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The History of water bottled

          As many other men's creations, and the need for survival,water bottled was one the those invention that was invented long time ago ,in order to better destribute and transport fresh water from its source to the people's habit.Like Romans for example,they built the aqueduts at turn of the first  millennium to deliver water in smaller quantities.They also made different containers from clay and woven materials.Many other things also influenced the necessity for people to carry portable water like " the mobility of soldiers during wartime,increase in outdoor activities such as hiking and increase in travelling over long distances "and many more(tyson).
Since then,more people started to use bottled water.It's also true that at first,"companies sold their water in glass bottles.Although during the Reanaisance plastic bottle was invented by Leonardo Davinci,but it did not become widely used commercially for what until mid-20th.In 19th many companies begain selling water in bottles,such as San pellegrino(1395),Vian's roots(1826),Perries company(1898),and many more("History of water botlles").Nowadays,water bottled has been used in many different ways,different materials,and many different shapes,in order to satisfy everybody.

Tyson,Jason."The History of Water Bottled".ehow. Demand Media Inc Web.01 Mar.2012.
"The History of Water Bottled".Articlesbase,26 Mar, 2010.Web.01 Mar. 2012.